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'Current aspects of Preference Theory. A symposium on the occasion of Theo Vennemann's 80th birthday'


09.12.2017 10:00 Uhr – 18:00 Uhr

Current aspects of Preference Theory
A symposium on the occasion of Theo Vennemann's 80th birthday

Saturday, December 9th 2017
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Amalienstr. 52, Raum K 001


10:00 Welcome
10:10 Guido Seiler
Is language change language improvement?
10:45 Dietmar Zaefferer
Survival of the most preferred.
A pilot study on the creation and selection of neologisms
11:20 coffee break
11:50 Stephen Laker & Robert Mailhammer
Allgemeine Prinzipien des Lautwandels und die Präferenzgesetze
12:25 Phil Hoole
Towards phonetic explanations for preferred sound patterns
13:00 lunch break
15:00 Manfred Krifka
Vowel Fronting in Daakie (Ambrym, Vanuatu)
15:35 Antoniy Dimitrov
Präferenztheorie und Strategien zur Optimierung subpräferabler Laute und Lautverbindungen
16:10 coffee break
16:40 Laura Catharine Smith
Moving from syllables to feet in the prosodic hierarchy: how foot-based templates reflect prosodic preferences
17:15 Patricia Noel
Preference theory and syntactic order
17:50 Closing remarks
18:00 End

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